Chiropractic is the science and art that utilizes the inherent recuperative powers of the body and deals with the relationship between the nervous system and the spinal column. It deals with the sub-luxation of vertebral segments and the resulting disturbance of the nerves and blood vessels that cause pain and loss of function.
We use short lever, high velocity, controlled thrusts by hand that are directed at specific articulations or joints.
In our practice equine chiropractic helps us to return patients to normal function. Many times the horse has already been treated with traditional therapies and is still not performing up to expectations.
The most common presenting complaints for chiropractic patients are: 1) sore backs, 2) non-specific rear leg lameness, 3) problems taking, maintaining or changing leads and 4) stiffness on one side or in one direction.
Chiropractic in our practice is used along with traditional Western medicine and acupuncture to restore your horse’s function to the highest possible level.